“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” ― Arundhati Roy

Wild Re-Enchantment

Collective grief and growing disenchantment with the ways of the world permeate this moment on Earth: ecocide, climate change, genocide, oppression of People of Color, Indigenous peoples, Queer folk, and those who are different.  Where can we go to remain or come alive again in such a world? Our retreats and programs are for all who feel disenchanted with the brokenness of the world and long to regain wholeness in self and community. We will gather in nature to embrace our disenchantment and open to re-enchantment through the wonder, beauty, and mystery of the Earth. We will enter into rituals of grief, liberation, emergence, and initiation to create more wholeness in ourselves and our communities.  

Upcoming Wanders & Retreats

Wild Re-Enchantment Wander | March 16, 2025
Wild Re-Enchantment Retreat | May 16-18, 2025

Immerse Yourself in Wonder